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Prescription Drug Benefits


​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Maintenance Drug Refills

All maintenance medications must be filled in a 90-day supply at one of our Retail Maintenance Network pharmacies or through the Express Scripts mail service program. 

Visit​com/wvpeia​ to search for a network pharmacy and view​ current medication costs. 

SaveOnSP Copay Assistance Benefit

West Virginia Public Employees Insurance Agency has partnered with Express Scripts to offer members access to a copay assistance benefit, administered by SaveOnSP, which helps members save money on certain specialty medications. SaveOn reaches out when it identifies eligible members taking the drugs that are included. ​​

SaveOnSP D​rug List

Active Members and Non-Medicare Retirees

Active Members and Non-Medicare retirees with Preferred Provider (PPB) Plans are covered by the following prescription drug benefits: 

​Preferr​ed D​r​ug​ List
Full​ F​o​rmu​la​ry List ​
Maintenance Drug List
Specialty D​rug List
​Dia​b​et​es Wa​ived C​opays
West Virgi​nia S​​p​ecialty In​jecta​ble
Preventive Drug List
​National Pre​ferred Formulary Exclu​s​ions​​


Medicare Retirees

Medicare retirees receive prescription drug benefits through one of two plans:​

Medicare Advantage Plan (Humana​)
Special Medicare Plan (PEIA)

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